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Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

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Now that you understand the responsibilities of each role, are you ready to join your process improvement team and help solve your organization's problems? Learn how to delight more customers, minimize costs and maximize profits – register for any of our Lean Six Sigma courses today!

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  • Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt training by Catalyst Consulting

2. 33M Annual Job Openings (2019) 11. 3% Projected Growth (2019-2029) $ 100 k Median Salary (Highly experienced workers can earn up to $234k)

Lean six sigma master black bel air

Having such a large network of Master Black Belts, we pride ourselves in the depth of the knowledge available. Monthly, Master Black Belt meetings are organised to share experiences and exchange latest developments. Bi-annually knowledge sharing events take place throughout Europe to ensure we provide the best training sessions that meet market requirements taking the latest trends into account. 3) From learning objectives to exams Naturally, the content of a course is extremely important but we believe the teaching methods employed are of equal importance. We have invested substantially in developing appropriate learning methods. The content of the course is laid down in well-defined learning objectives in the Body of Knowledge for each separate course. Our starting point was to classify the learning objectives according to the six levels of knowledge complexity (Bloom's taxonomy). 1) Memorise 2) Understand 3) Apply 4) Analyse 5) Evaluate 6) Create Using a pedagogical matrix developed especially for The Lean Six Sigma Company, the learning objectives and corresponding knowledge complexity were translated into specific teaching methods.

Content of the courses is ISO18404 and ISO13053 certified. We are the only provider with an official Postgraduate accreditation for the Black Belt training (The Netherlands and Belgium). The Lean Six Sigma Company provides courses all over the world. Our courses are provided in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Dutch. 2) Continuously improving our courses "Practice what you preach" and we preach quality. Spearheaded by our Master Black Belts, training courses are continuously improved. Having experience with hundreds of organisations, we have examples from virtually every industry. Historically Lean Six Sigma has its roots in the manufacturing industry. Many of our Master Black Belts were certified by manufacturing companies such as General Electric, Toyota, RioTinto, DuPont and Avery Denison. In addition, we have worked with many transactional businesses ranging from financial services to healthcare. We have developed specific training programmes for service-oriented industries.

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May 22, 2021