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Residual Schizophrenia Treatment

Current Psychiatry. 2017 March;16(3):34-40 Lingering symptoms require you to evaluate pharmacotherapy and offer psychosocial interventions The course of chronic psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia, differs from chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes. Some patients with chronic psychiatric conditions achieve remission and become symptom-free, while others continue to have lingering signs of disease for life. Residual symptoms of schizophrenia are not fully defined in the literature, which poses a challenge because they are central in the overall treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. 1 During this phase of schizophrenia, patients continue to have symptoms after psychosis has subsided. These patients might continue to have negative symptoms such as social and emotional withdrawal and low energy. Although frank psychotic behavior has disappeared, the patient might continue to hold strange beliefs. Pharmacotherapy is the primary treatment option for psychiatric conditions, but the psychosocial aspect may have greater importance when treating residual symptoms and patients with chronic psychiatric illness.

Residual schizophrenia treatment information

Based on the results obtained we can conclude that amisul- pride has shown signicant efciency in treatment of residual schizophrenia with dominant effects on negative symptoms, with well tolerability for patients and minor manifestation of adverse actions. PM392 Clozapine-induced anemia and thrombocytosis Soyeon Jeon, Seoul National Univer sity Hospital, Republic of Korea Abstract Clozapine is a well-known antipsychotic which causes hema- tologic side-effect such as neutropenia and agranulocytosis (1–3% of patients). Howe ver, reports about blood dyscrasias like anemia and thrombocytosis after clozapine treatment has been extremely rare, even though all kinds of hematologic abnormal- ity could occur. In some cases r e-treatment of clozapine could lead to hematopoietic abnormality related to thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis. On the some e vidences provided until now, these myelodysplastic abnormalities could ha ve something to do with clozapine response and prognosis of schizophrenia.

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May 22, 2021